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(Steel Melting processed D-Oxidized Metallurgical Flux)


Today we know about Steel Melting processed D-Oxidized Metallurgical flux


1A) Power Unit Saved

Happy Steel Melting Oxidized Metallurgical flux work when during melting period flux add after scrap, sponge, slag quickly improved to Metallic less chemistry so slag becomes bouncy and light and for the same this time melting power K.W. Rating full and heal first.

1B) Furnace Life(Patching or Lining) Improved

    1. Our product during melting time stage by stage light coat build up so silica temp. carry forward toSlag O2 crack suddenly.
    2. Furnace inner area or melting zone slag build up after add flux time to time, so furnace life safe and improved.
    3. Our product or Metallurgical Flux Control to gases Boiling tendency

1C) Quick Action to Sponge,Scrape,Pallets

This flux quick reaction to sponge, scrap and pallets. You know about in this time when scarp sponge/palets melting in Furnace. Our melting procedure not fulfill to gases remove or oxidized our flux add in sponge gas reaction and heavy mellalic transfer to slag. So slag heavy and create Metal heat-up, furnace Jam,side jam, our product apply stage to state 100% sicikey & smoothly melting criteria done.

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1D) Slag (Steel Process Melting Slug Full Metalurgical Solution)

This product fully authentic to slag Metallurgical. We know today very loss and not proper yeiled gaind to input metal. Our product given much more yield one imaginary Basic.

1E) Alloys % Improvement

Liquid Metal’s Alloys not pure yield because due to

    1. Heavy Temperature gain in furnace
    2. Inner Gas in liquid metal
    3. Nor homogeneous to metal due to inner slag.
    4. Furnace or ladle boil due to alloys loss or finished product quality bad.
    5. Our product work to only Metallurgical chemistry and alloys saved 0.5%.

1F) Slag Metalurgical Managment

This product is new and very very fasted growing for steel plant and all slag metallurgy, so our flax work, gases remove quickly and slag magnatic transfer to liquid metal, refined and liquid metal fluidity improved.


    1. Ladle Life improved – Our Flax work in ladle
      a) Metal killed and not reaction to other element so metal temperature stable and life improved.
    2. Liquid metal fluidity management
      a) Gas less liquid metal totally ready to casting for operation in CCM, BCM & slab caster. After adding my flux.


    1. Liquid metal convert to solidifications in CCM structural molecule balanced and gas blow out in several percentage
    2. Steel’s Gas Metallurgy improved after use my flux
    3. Billet, Bloom and slab quality improved only on metallurgical basis.

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The view points of Steel chemistry alone. It has been well documented that plain Carbon Steel above 0.15% carbon become troublesome. Steel in the peretectic range are the starting point for sensitivity to distortion 0.3%, 0/4 % Carbon is attributed due to increased micro-segregation of Phosphorus and Sulphur as the hot strength is greatly reduced by this element commonly encountered in steel making practices use in high proportion of low quality scrap.

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I)Gas Evolution

    1. In open pouring, incomplete de-oxidation or flux into the tundish and ladle control excessive free oxygen.
    2. In ladle’s liquid metal it is fully killed and oxygen free.
    3. In CCM’s during casting period Liquid metal is fully flowdity, killed and almost gas free after using my flux.

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